School of Pharmacy and Health Professions

Rank and Tenure - School of Pharmacy & Health Professions


Amy Friedman Wilson, PharmD, Dean, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
AmyWilson [at] creighton [dot] edu

Pat Ryan, Executive Assistant to the Dean
pdryan [at] creighton [dot] edu

2024-2025 SPAHP Rank and tenure committee

Terry Grindstaff, PhD, Chair

1st Alternate, Term expires 2027

Sarbinaz Bekmuratova, PhD

Term expires 2024

Ann Ryan Haddad, PharmD

Term expires 2025

Robert Sandstrom, PhD

Term expires 2025

Julie Stading, PharmD

Term expires 2026

Dan Hilleman, PharmD
2nd Alternate, Term expires 2027

Anastasia Kyvelidou, PhD

Term expires 207

Mark Malesker, PharmD

Term expires 2027

Catherine Opere, PhD

Term expires 2027


